SpaceX Starship V sequence of events (IFT-5)

SpaceX Starship V sequence of events (IFT-5)

SpaceX Starship V sequence of events (IFT-5)

IFT-5 Previous Starship missions

IFT-Live streams

IFT-5 Mission

  • The fifth flight test of a fully integrated Starship.
  • Integrated Test Flight IFT-5 (OFT-5).
  • Expected: August/September 2024.
  • Launch date: 00-00-2024 (NET)?

IFT-5 Scheduled

IFT-5 Upgrades

  • 15-07-2024 B12 Upgrades:

            • New flight termination system box designed to enable a quick destruction of the rocket in case an anomaly happens.

            • Four Starlink antenna fittings present.

            • New “Remove before flight” covers for the Raptor boost quick disconnects (QDC).

  • See also SpaceX Starship progress
  • See also SpaceX Starship all missions

IFT-5 Flight objectives

Objectives at 28-07-2024 (launch expected early September)

  • Booster catch in catch arms (precision landing).
  • Starship heat shield better performance (secondary heat shield behind the primary heat shield, upgraded all tiles):
        • Not loosing tiles.
        • No flaps catching fire.

IFT-5 Configuration

  • Super Heavy 12, Booster 12 (B12). Raptor 3?
  • Starship SN30 (S30).

IFT-5 Launch location

IFT-5 Weather

IFT Launch windows

  • Launch location: Boca Chica
  • Launch windows opent at 00-00-2024 at 00:00 CEST
  • Duration: 

IFT-5 Launch window 1 details (00-00-20xx) EXAMPLE

TimezoneGo for propellant load
(75 mins to Open)
(30 mins to Open)
Window Open

Window Closed


5.45 am

6.30 am

7.00 am

9.31 am


6.45 am7.30 am8.00 am10.31 am
UTC = GMT = Zulu10:4511:3012:0014:31

CET (winter)


IFT-5 T-Time

*** Beyond this point all times are indicated in “T-Time”: ***

  • T- is countdown clock.
  • T-0 (or T-zero) is launch and start of mission clock.
  • T+ is mission clock.

IFT-5 T-01:45:00

IFT-5 Weather

IFT-5 T-01:15:00 until T-00:00:01 (actual)

IFT-5 Propellant load

  • T-00:00:00
  • more

IFT-5 T+00:00:02 until landing (actual)

  • T+00:00:02 IFT-4 Liftoff
  • more

IFT-5 Trajectory (planned, schema)


IFT-5 Telemetry first 10 minutes (actual trajectory profile, table)


IFT-5 Telemetry last 30 minutes (actual trajectory profile)

T+00:41:00 0 0 0000 
T+00:41:300 0 0000 

IFT-5 Evaluation

IFT-5 Full stack positive

  • text

IFT-5 Full stack negative

  • text

IFT-5 Booster positive

  • text

IFT-5 Booster negative

  • text

IFT-5 Starship positive

  • text

IFT-5 Starship negative

  • text

Next steps


  • Internal:, 
  • Outgoing: Mahler FoundationNOS
  • Keywords: IFT-5, test 5, TF5, SpaceX-5, SpaceX5, SpaceX Starship V sequence of events. IFT-5, test 5, TF5, SpaceX 5, SpaceX V, SpaceX-5, SpaceX5, OTF5, OTF-5.