CHU Teh-Chun (1920-2014)

CHU Teh-Chun was een Chinese kunstschilder die bekend stond om zijn abstracte expressionistische werken. Hij werd geboren in 1920 in de provincie Anhui in China en groeide op tijdens de chaotische jaren van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de Culturele Revolutie. Toch liet hij zich niet afleiden van zijn passie voor kunst en begon hij op […]

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Antikythera mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek device that was discovered in the early 20th century on the Greek island of Antikythera. It is a complex mechanical device that was used to calculate astronomical positions and predict eclipses, and is considered to be the oldest known example of a geared mechanism in existence. The device

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Beethoven symfonieën

Beethoven symfonieën Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn 1770 – Wenen 1827) Ludwig van Beethoven was een Duits componist en pianist die algemeen wordt beschouwd als een van de grootste componisten in de geschiedenis van de klassieke muziek. Hij werd geboren in Bonn, Duitsland in 1770 en studeerde muziek bij verschillende bekende componisten en muziekdocenten van zijn

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Dacische spiralen

Dacische cultuur De Dacische cultuur was een oude beschaving die in wat nu Roemenië is en andere delen van Zuidoost-Europa bloeide van de 5e eeuw v.Chr. tot de 2e eeuw na Chr. De Daciërs waren bekend om hun geavanceerde metaalbewerkingstechnieken en het maken van uitgebreid gouden sieraden, waaronder armbanden en andere decoratieve objecten. Ze waren

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Artemis Gateway

Artemis Gateway Space dashboard The Gateway will serve as a multi-purpose outpost orbiting the Moon that provides essential support for long-term human return to the lunar surface and serves as a staging points for deep space exploration. Small ISS. Artemis IV. Artemis Gateway modules Artemis Gateway configuration Modules PPE (Power and Propulsion Element) Function: The

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Artemis Base Camp

Artemis Base Camp Space dashboard For a sustained presence with emphasis on mobility to allow astronauts to explore more of the Moon and conduct more science. Modules LTV (Lunar Terrain Vehicle) Function: A lunar terrain vehicle or LTV, to transport crew around the landing zone. HMP (Habitable Mobility Platform) Function: Station on the surface of

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Artemis II trajectory

Artemis II trajectory Space dashboard Artemis II trajectory basics Similar missions In 1968, the Apollo 8 mission, crewed by astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and William Anders, was designed to test-fly command and service module beyond low Earth orbit. Although similar to Artemis 2 in that it was crewed and did not land on the

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Artemis I trajectory

Artemis I trajectory Space dashboard Basics 1 Basics 2 Artemis I trajectory burns Artemis I trajectory animation Blue = the Earth Green = the Moon Purple = Artemis I Date Artemis I speed Artemis I distance from the Moon Artemis I DRO trajectory Reentry Artemis I targeted landing site near Guadalupe Island Artemis I landing

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SpaceX Starship images

SpaceX Starship images Space dashboard Starship Starship SN24 Starship Starship Starship Fins IFT-4 Fins Starship hot staging ring IFT-4 Hot stage ring jettison Starship Flaps IFT-4 Flap IFT-4 Flap IFT-4 Flap failure Booster SpaceX Starship 19-11-2022 Booster 7 IFT-5 Booster 12 catch (13-10-2024) Fullstack Starship Integration Tower and Full Stack Starship HLS Human Landing System

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Artemis II images

Artemis II images Space dashboard Artemis II: Core Stage and RS-25 Artemis II Inside the SLS Core Stage Artemis II RS-25 serial numbers Artemis II Core Stage with RS-25 Artemis II : Heat shield Artemis II heat shield installation Artemis II: Orion Crew Model (CM) Artemis II Crew Module (CM) Artemis missions With Artemis missions,

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ESA European Space Agency

ESA European Space Agency Space dashboard ESA, the European Space Agency is an intergovernmental organisation of 22 member states dedicated to the exploration of space. Established in 1975 and headquartered in Paris. Participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain,

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